My Freelancing Must-Haves

The self-employment starter pack

Today’s edition of Wishful Working is a 3 minute read.

Today, I’d like to share a short list of my must-have items as a freelancer. Note that I’m not calling this “X Things Every Freelancer Needs!” and that is precisely because everyone is different. I generally don’t believe in one-size-fits-all freelancing advice, even if the headline would be good for clicks 😉

Someday, I might do an in-depth rundown of my workstation, my “tech stack,” and my processes, but for now, here’s a high-level look at some of my essentials:

A collage of image on a white background. Pictures include a grey cat, a MacBook Air, a can of soda, a box of tea, a planner, a Moxie logo, a poloroid of a man and a woman, and a photo of four girls hugging

1. A support system

This is number one for a reason. I absolutely needed loved ones supporting me when I first started freelancing and I felt like I had no idea what I was doing.

And I still need those cheerleaders now that I’m almost two years in and still sometimes feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. And it’s fine if none of them are fellow freelancers as long as they’re willing to listen, troubleshoot with you, and tell you you’re doing a great job and you deserve a little treat.

2. A financial safety net

Starting a freelance business is risky and stressful, and I would encourage anyone taking the leap to have some sort of financial safety net. That could be a solid chunk of savings, income from another job, support from a spouse/partner/family member — whatever works for you. My safety net of choice is named Dawson, and he makes sure our mortgage is paid even when I have a below-average income month.

3. A computer

Maybe it’s a bit obvious, but (most) freelancers need a computer. When I first started, I didn’t have a desk, let alone a keyboard, a mouse, or any other gear, but I did have a Dell laptop that happened to be on its last leg. As soon as my first invoice was paid, I upgraded to a MacBook Air. Was that invoice enough to cover the cost? Absolutely not. Call it a leap of faith.

4. An organizational/planning system that works for you

I use two main tools to run my freelance writing business — one analog, one digital. First of all, I use a paper planner to write down to-do lists and plan out my tasks for the week. And then I use Moxie for everything else. Moxie is an incredible project management platform designed specifically for freelancers. I’ve been using Moxie since my 2nd month of freelancing, and I can’t imagine running my business without it.

5. An online presence of some sort

Whether it’s a personal website, a one-page portfolio, or a LinkedIn profile, you need some sort of online proof of your existence and a way to advertise your services. I have a website/portfolio,, hosted on Squarespace.

And I’m not the most active LinkedIn user, but I have gotten many inquiries and clients through LinkedIn just by listing my services and posting occasionally. (Side note: Add me on LinkedIn!)

6. A furry friend

Having a little buddy at home with me while I work has increased my happiness significantly. I mean come on, look at him.

7. At least 2-3 beverages at all times

As a certified Beverage Goblin™️, I’m almost always drinking water, tea, and — if I’m lucky — Canada Dry Diet Cranberry Ginger Ale. Unfortunately, the latter is seasonal. I know, it’s devastating.

There’s really not much you truly need to get started as a freelancer. You don’t need a fancy computer or a bunch of software or an LLC. Aside from the things listed above, you mostly need a sense of determination and an ability to Google things like “how to make a freelancer contract” and “what is a w9.”

And if you need a cheerleader, look no further.

You got this.

See you next week,
